Archive for Hair breakage

No turning back!

Posted in natural hair care, transitioning with tags , , , , , on May 19, 2010 by Folliclephile

Recently I started to get frustrated with my transitioning journey because it felt like I couldn’t find the right products for my hair and even when I thought I had finally found it, I was having difficulty. It got to a point where I almost picked up the phone and called my hairdresser to book an appointment for a texturizer. Thank goodness I decided to stick it out, and the result are fabulous. My hair is growing, breakage is at a minimum, and my products are working! My routine consists of washing my hair every 4 to 7 days, deep conditioning with a moisturizing conditioner and using heat, air drying or setting under a hooded dryer. My styles of preference are either a braid-out, flexi-rod set or pulling it back in a wet pony-tail. I’m not sure when I’m going to check, probably around my birthday which is roughly 7 weeks away. I can’t wait. I encourage anyone who is struggling with transitioning to give it some time. I hit the sweet spot 4 months into my journey and I’m pretty sure I won’t be turning back.

Thanks to my husband for all his support. Love you, babe.